Möjlighet att få gå på ICSE18 [Börjar idag]

2018-05-29 13:24 | Skriven för styrIT av Jax

Hej här kommer lite information från programledningen om möjlighet att gå världens mest prestigefyllda konferens om softeware enginering.

Hej IT-studenter,

Vi har (på väldigt kort varsel) getts möjlighet för de IT-studenter som vill att närvara kostnadsfritt på delar av ICSE18 (International Conference on Software Engineering), världens mest prestigefyllda konferens inom Software Engineering, som just nu anordnas i Göteborg. Om det låter intressant, läs vidare nedan för information från arrangörerna. Notera att första eventet som är tillgängligt är redan i eftermiddag!

Med vänlig hälsning, Niklas


ICSE, the International Conference on Software Engineering, is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, research, experiences, trends and concerns in the field of Software engineering. The conference has many interesting and highly relevant topics for your education. This is a unique opportunity – the conference is first time in Scandinavia, and many years will be passed before it comes to Sweden again!

More information about the conference you can find at www.icse2018.org

Exclusively, you can join the most interesting evens, free of charge. However, you must register and select the events you would like to participate in.

Use the following link to register: http://www.trippus.net/ICSE2018_StudentsKey

At the conference you will get a badge with your name.

The following events are available for you:


14:00 - 15:30

Keynote speech: HAL’s Legacy after 50 years of 2001, by David Stork


Panel: Will computers be able to do what HAL did?
Panelists: Olle Häggström, Dorna Behdadi, Thore Husfeldt, Prem Devanbu, David Stork

18:30 . 21:15

The movie show: 2001: A Space Odyssey

Wednesday 30/5

08:30 - 09:00

Opening ICSE 2018

09:00 - 10:30

Plenary Keynote: Magnus Fordigh, acting Head of Research at Ericsson

11:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:30

Forum Session I: Opening and Invited Industry Talk
Invited Industry Talk: Noel Lovisa, Code Valley*, Australia
The software industry is not industrialised

11:30 - 12:30

Forum Session II: Keynote Speaker - Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology*, Software Center**, Sweden
Why Digitalization Will Kill Your (Software) Company Too

14:30 - 15:30

Forum Session IV: Invited Speaker - Danica Kragic, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden
Robotics, Software and Artificial Intelligence: State of the art and future challenges

16:00 - 17:00

Forum Session V: Panel - Software Engineering in 2030
Panelists: Lionel Briand - University of Luxembourg LU, Markus Borg – RISE SICS SE, Mark Harman – Facebook and University College London, UK*, Liliana Pasquale – LERO and University of Dublin, IE, Caitlin Sadowski – Google US, Tom Zimmermann – Microsoft Research US**

17:00 - 17:15
17:15 - 17:30

Forum Session VI: Academia and Industry
Invited Industry Talk: Mark Harman, Facebook*, UK
Mechanisms through which academics and industrialists can work together productively

Supporter talk: Kristina Lundqvist, Mälardalen University***, Sweden
Industrial PhD School (IT-EASY) - Efficient industry-academia cooperation

Friday 1/6

ICSE Keynote: Ivar Jacobson, 50 years of software engineering, so now what?

Starts: 1 Jun 15:00

Ends: 1 Jun 15:30 Location: R2

ICSE Awards: The most influential paper, Outstanding Research Award

Starts: 1 Jun 16:00

Ends: 1 Jun 18:00 Location: Congress Hall


Teknologsektionen Informationsteknik

Teknologgården 2

412 58 Göteborg


Hubben 2.2

Hörsalsvägen 9

412 58 Göteborg



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