Smygaspning - Bastu

2016-12-10 17:20 | Skriven för ArmIT av Ek | Redigerad 2016-12-10 17:22

Armit aspning

Are you intrested in joining ArmIT?

On thuesday the 13th of December we will have our pre-"aspning".
We will meet up at Hubben and then move down to the sauna.

If you can't make it to the sauna you can catch up with us later as we move down to J.A. Pripps around 20.00. Here you will get a chance to hear more about what we do.

Bring a towel and BYOB if you want something in the sauna.
See you there!
- ArmIT


Teknologsektionen Informationsteknik

Teknologgården 2

412 58 Göteborg


Hubben 2.2

Hörsalsvägen 9

412 58 Göteborg


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