Looking for a MSc Thesis?
2016-11-24 10:20 | Skriven av Ek | Redigerad 2016-12-05 19:12
Ericsson is currently looking for thesis workers in 4 different subjects. Each subject is fit for a master thesis for 2 persons.
Proposals on subjects (subject for the thesis will be set and discussed in collaboration with you as thesis workers):
* CloudNowIPv6 - Containers and service discovery with IPv6 in Cloud environments.
* TelcoNWaaS - Business and Service Design for Network Services, Continuous Integration,
* Continuous Delivery and DevOPS
* “Changing, but fixed IP” for mobile devices: What happens if the UE change IP address as it moves through an area, with every new base station?
Read more here: https://career2.successfactors.eu/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=156570&company=Ericsson&username