Case & Mingel Evening @ Football Addicts
2016-11-22 14:12 | Skriven av Ek | Redigerad 2016-12-05 19:12
It’s time again! Football Addicts invites all students to a joyful ”Case & Mingle”-evening the 30th of November. Last time at Football Addicts we all had a great and inspiring time. This time there is a new concept. The evenening will be divide into two parts.
The evening will start at 17:30 (5.30pm) with a case event at their office. This event will only have a few limited spots so if you really want to go be sure to apply quickly!
The evening will then continue in the way that Football Addicts will open their doors and let all students join for a happy mingle. The mingle will start around 19:00 (7pm). Food and beverage will be served! FIFA, Mario Kart, shuffleboard & table tennis is just some of the fun activities available during the mingle. There are limited spots so be sure to apply quickly!
You need to apply for both events if you want to participate all evening!
This is going to be great!!
Application for the ”Case event” the 30th of November (17:30-19:00):
Application for the ”Mingle event after the Case” the 30th of November (~19:00):