Career Opportunities at Primea

2024-04-16 20:34 | Skriven för ArmIT av Waka

Primea is a community of people writing high-quality software solutions together, and now we are expanding!

Our philosophy is that there's more than just your technical know-how that makes you a complete software engineer. The ability to adapt to new scenarios and find ways forward when the solution is unknown is just as critical. By experiencing new environments, you challenge yourself and widen your horizons. We are now looking for people to join us on this experimental journey.

Primea was founded in 2018 and we are currently about 25 Primate’s working, hanging out and going places together. We've been to Lisbon, Madrid, Los Angeles, and even Ulricehamn together, performing a ceremony that we refer to as a Hackaway. Next up is Tokyo.

We are located smack in the middle of Gothenburg (and soon in Stockholm), but consider the world as our laboratory.


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Teknologsektionen Informationsteknik

Teknologgården 2

412 58 Göteborg


Hubben 2.2

Hörsalsvägen 9

412 58 Göteborg


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