Welcome to the KPMG Case Tour 2023: Apply today!

2023-03-01 09:53 | Skriven för ArmIT av Billys

Are you looking to elevate your case- and pitch skills in collaboration with your team? Curious about Management Consulting, Risk Consulting or Deal Advisory? This spring KPMG is challenging talented students across the country and from different study areas to apply to the KPMG Case Tour.

The tour will touch down in four university cities during April/May. During these half day events, students will get the opportunity to elevate their case- and pitch skills with support from experienced KPMG consultants. Of course, there will be a prize for the winning team, and time to build network.

Read more and apply today, together with your team or as an individual, at https://emp.jobylon.com/jobs/170548-kpmg-kpmg-case-tour-2023/ .

Application closes March 26th.



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