Learn more and apply to Tietoevry’s Graduate Program

2022-08-29 12:30 | Skriven för ArmIT av Billys

About us:
Did you know that you deal with Tietoevry almost every day? When you withdraw money at an ATM, when you buy a train ticket online, make mobile payments, or when you receive a digital message that it is time to pick up a package you have ordered. The team behind the scenes for these solutions is a large group of strategists, coders, analysts, industry experts, and future enthusiasts.

There are several exciting opportunities for you as a newly-graduated techie at Tietoevry. But, as we all know, those years spent gaining valuable knowledge at school doesn't always answer the question of ’what do you want to do in life?’ To make that choice a bit easier, our Graduate Program offers two tracks to choose from, depending on where your passion lies.

Learn more and apply to Tietoevry’s Graduate Program before September 8th here:




Teknologsektionen Informationsteknik

Teknologgården 2

412 58 Göteborg


Hubben 2.2

Hörsalsvägen 9

412 58 Göteborg



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