2021-12-08 14:56 | Skriven för sexIT av Pang | Redigerad 2021-12-08 15:03
Nu har det blivit dags för sexIT'21 att hålla i sin sista gasque. Därmed vill vi stolt presentera Jubileumsgasquen som kommer fira att våran sektion fyller 20 år. Då detta är en fin tillställning kommer det vara samma klädkod som för finsittningar (såsom formella kläder eller kostym).
Kom och fira med oss!
Var: Gasquen
När: 18/12
Tid: 17:31-21:00
Pris: 90 kr alkoholfritt, 100 kr alkohol
Giltligt ID krävs, 18+
Eftersläpp: 22.00-03.00
Pris: 30 kr med kårkort, 40 kr utan kårkort
Vaccinationspass krävs (mer info längst ner)
Biljettsläppet sker fredag 12:00 över Google forms. (kommer både skickas ut i slack och på facebook)
De som fått plats kommer därefter få ett bekräftelsemail och med detta kunna köpa biljetterna av oss utanför E-studion klockan 12-13 på måndag.
Om ni har några frågor/funderingar så är det bara att skriva till oss!
Och nedan kommer information från kåren om restriktionerna:
General information and Q&A- Covid pass at
Chalmers events
Swedish info on Covid pass here: covidbevis.se
• All Swedish and EU/EEA passes are valid for entry.
• It is each and everyone’s own responsibility to obtain the latest information from authorities
and ensure bringing the correct, valid, and readable covid pass accordingly. Note! Medical
certificate stating exemption from vaccination are also valid. Certificate must contain data to
match ID at entry.
• Chalmers student union may deny entry to anyone who are not holding a valid, readable pass.
• Chalmers student union follow authorities’ directions but will always inform when Covid
passes are required (but not the opposite).
• Chalmers student union cannot be held responsible for denying entry to someone failing to
provide correct and valid covid pass/medical certificate.
Which Chalmers event will require covid pass?
All indoor, public events with over 100 participants. Each event will aim to clearly state if covid
passes are required, but it is your own responsibility to find the correct information prior to event.
What counts as a valid Covid pass?
Paper or digital certificate with scannable QR-code. If code is not scannable or other data is illegible,
you may be denied entry.
Which covid passes are valid?
Swedish and EU-issued passes. For other countries, it is your own responsibility to check if your pass
is valid for events entry in Sweden.
If I cannot get vaccinated due to medical reasons?
Then you can bring a valid medical certificate stating this clearly. Certificate must be matchable with
your ID. If staff at entry cannot clearly determine the certificate, you may be denied entry.
No other certificate is accepted (such as negative test results etc.).
Further information
Additional questions regarding Covid pass can be found at
https://www.ehalsomyndigheten.se/tjanster/covid-certificate/frequently-asked-questions/ in
multiple languages.
The union will not be able to answer questions regarding authority information,
only questions regarding a specific Chalmers event.