Q&A med ingenjör alumner från startuplifers!

2021-09-17 13:20 | Skriven för ArmIT av HOM BRE | Redigerad 2021-10-04 12:31


- I samarbete med startuplifers -

Welcome to an online evening Q&A event with two of our alumni who have worked or are still working in Silicon Valley within the field of engineering. They will talk about their experience of working in San Francisco and provide some career advice on how you can succeed! You will also have the chance to ask questions. Welcome to an exciting evening of getting to know us, our alumni and our program! Sign up at the following link:



Teknologsektionen Informationsteknik

Teknologgården 2

412 58 Göteborg


Hubben 2.2

Hörsalsvägen 9

412 58 Göteborg



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